7504 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046

worship services:
8 am & 11 am EST

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FBCoG 2021 Re-Entry:
Q: Can I register via phone?
A: Phone registration is Mon-Thur from 10am to 4pm. This is reserved for our seniors and those with no internet access.  If you have the ability to register online, please do so by clicking HERE, if you are passing this information, you can call 301.725.2600 for assistance.

Q: Do I have to wear a face mask if I’m vaccinated? 
A: Yes. Face masks are required by all guests entering the building and must be worn at all times. Face masks will be available on-site in case you forget to bring a mask.  

Q: Will there be temperature checks?
A: Yes. Temperature checks are a part of the pre-registration check-in process. Anyone with a temperature above 100.5 degrees or higher, will be unable to enter the building. 

Q: When does registration close?
A: Registration for services will remain open until capacity is reached. 
     *200 people maximum per service

Q: What if I don’t register for service – can I just walk in?
A: Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. We will try to accommodate unregistered guests based on capacity. However, registration will not take place on-site. 

Q: When I arrive can I choose my own seat?
A: We ask that guests follow the direction of the ushers. Signage will be visible to show available seating for groups and individuals and will follow social distancing guidelines. 

Q: Will the transportation Ministry Church van be available?
A: Yes, for the 11 AM service only. 

Q: Will services still be available to watch online? 
A: Yes, both 8 AM and 11 AM services will live stream on FBCOG.org, Facebook, and YouTube.